Brie de Meaux, named after the town of Meaux, is a French cheese produced in the region of Brie, located 50 kilometers to the east of Paris. Evidence in the chronicles of Charlemagne suggests the tasting of Brie by the Emperor in the year 774. Brie de Meaux AOC cheese need to be matured in the regions of Seine-et-Marne, Loiret, Aube, Marne, Haut-Marne, Meuse and Yonne. The difference between production and maturation places is a typical Brie tradition.
This is a raw, soft unpasteurised cow's milk cheese covered with a bloomy rind, a result of inoculation with Penicillium Candidum molds. As the cheese ages, the rind develops red or brown patches. Brie has a milk and rich taste underlined by sweet and buttery flavours of mushrooms or truffles and almonds.
Origin: Brie region, Central-north France
Portion size: From 160Gr - 240Gr
Stuff to consider: unpasteurised cow's milk